This is a story I wrote about a
CrossWalk America walker. He was a surprise to them and a surprise to me. A unique but really nice and what I would call a -real- person. Maybe it's the old hippie in me talking but I just wanted to write my impressions of the guy.
Taking a hike for peace.
Activity filled the sitting room of Asbury United Methodist Church, 75th
Street and Nall Avenue, Prairie Village, as members of CrossWalk America
set up projection screens, video cameras, shot photos, and set out
literature to prepare for a presentation of their cause June 28.
CrossWalk America is a group of progressive Christians trekking 2,500 miles
from Phoenix, Ariz. to Washington to profess Jesus Christ¹s message of love
of God, self and neighbors.
Amidst all the activity sits "surprise walker" Mark Creek-Water, a
"houseless, not homeless man," enjoying a vegetarian pasta and salad
provided by church members.
A veteran of many peace walks, Creek-Water has walked across the country
many times and had to walk more than 600 miles to join CrossWalk America.
"I began walking on Ash Wednesday and got to Phoenix on Easter Sunday,"
Creek-Water said. "I walked to Phoenix for Lent."
The "perfesser," as Creek-Water is listed on an Oakland, Calif., article for
the Street Spirit newspaper, says he loves to walk.
Creek-Water kept CrossWalk walkers informed of his progress through email,
his prefered way of staying in touch with family and friends. He regularly
emails updates on the progress of CrossWalk America.
Golden brown skin covers Creek-Water's 120 to 125 pound frame. He says he
has always been thin but maybe he is a little too small now.
"I'm embarassed at how skinny I am," Creek-Water said. "I get out of the
shower and look at myself and it¹s embarassing."
His ears show signs of healed sunburn. His teeth are not pearly white but he
does not hesitate to smile broadly. He opens a two-inch think notebook
revealing handwritten notes, poetry, thoughts, and descriptions and
intricately drawn images of road signs and other objects.
"I hope I can make this into a book when the walk is done," Creek-Water
Turning the pages, Creek-Water adds an entry for the day at Asbury church.
He wrinkles his forehead while writing the note before thumbing through
other sections of his book. Wearing cut-off jeans and a green T-shirt
that reads, "American Born and Bred," he stops briefly on a page describing
horse apples.
"It's a fully little green fruit but I don't think horses eat them," reads
the page.
Creek-Water's head is covered with a baseball cap and large, beat-up
athletic shoes swallow his feet.
"I have two other pairs (of shoes) but when you get them new, sometimes they
cause blisters," Creek-Water said. "I don't have blisters on the bottoms of
my feet but right here, on the top."
Creek-Water and CrossWalk walkers have made it through Missouri on their hike to Washington. God willing and with a bit of financial help from people like me, he and they will make it for the Sept. 3 celebration.