Monday, August 07, 2006


There has been a little talk of Hillary Clinton running for president in 2008. Honestly, when I first heard that I thought it was a joke. I honestly thought she'll never win, too many people hate her. Then I thought was kind of like tasting something different, you let it sit in your mouth for a bit and get used to the flavor and texture. Kind of like sushi.

I like the idea of Hillary Clinton being this nation's first woman president, and not just because it would put Republicans in to a hissy-fit. That is reason enough to want Hillary to win but not really a valid or mature reason.

I want her to win because I like her spunk. I like her handling of issues and I admire her saying Bush has treated Congress like a Plantation, you know what I mean. That takes balls and the male Democrats seem to have thrown theirs away. However, that statement puts Hillary into a bad situation.

People in our country want a lady to be a lady...whatever that means. I happen to believe you can be a lady and a strong leader too. Look at Margaret Thatcher. I met her once. She must be about 4'11" tall, yet she had Russia by the short and curlies during the Cold War. We backed her up with Reagan but I think she could have handled herself.

Having a woman leader in America is long overdue. Of course, I also think having only white men run the country is a joke too but they do have the power. I don't just think it is time for a change, it's time for a woman to run this nation. She couldn't do any worse than Bush.

I heard a report on NPR that basically said Hillary is gearing up to be the front-runner. She is earning the most money and creating the most buzz. But can she win? That's the $100,000 question. I hope she will run and win.