Sunday, May 08, 2011

This is just racist!

I have to ask myself who came up with this idea for a campaign promotion? This is pure racism.

I worked for years as a journalist and I did learn something great during that time -- when you scream something, explain why this is so. I have to ask and answer "the next question."

While I find it hard to believe that anyone would not see why this quote is racist, I have to understand that some people don't or won't. I can't assume people know why this is an insult. I shall explain it clearly.

The 'o' in the word "boy" has been replaced with a major symbol of Pres. Obama's campaign. The 'o' in the word "job" has been replaced with the Presidential symbol. Finally, the last bit says "Trump 2012," meaning vote for Donald Trump in the next presidential election. So, some would say where is the racism?'

In short the ad says Pres. Obama is a "boy," and Donald Trump is a man, therefore we should send this man to do what this boy could president. Now, anyone living in American has to know that calling an African American man a "boy" is an insult from way back. African American men have been insulted with this comment for so long I find it amazing if a person said he/she didn't know it's an insult. Pres. Obama has been a man for quite some time and calling him a boy is a racist statement pure and simple.

The second part of this racism is the total assumption that Donald Trump, a white man, can automatically do better than this "boy," a black man. Racists through America's history have always presumed that skin color is automatically a marker of superiority. This ad makes Obama a "boy" just because of color and Donald Trump a man simply because he is white. The ad lectures us on this point.

This advertisement is just disgusting. It ignores the accomplishments of Pres. Obama and focuses on issues that shouldn't be part of a presidential campaign. People accuse minority people of "playing the race card" but in this case, that IS the race card. I'm amazed and disgusted that that phrase would be used to promote Donald Trump.

I do NOT believe Donald Trump is a racist. I think the people who created this ad most likely are using racism to promote Trump. It's a weak argument and could backfire. I hope it backfires.

I realize Obama has not been a perfect president. NO person is perfect but I do believe he is trying and working to make this country better. I am not a Bush fan but I think somewhere in that head of his, he felt he was doing the same.

One part of me wants others to see this and be just as angry and disgusted as I am. Another part of me wants this to disappear and for people to argue in favor of a presidential candidate that is actually running and without using racist slogans.