Monday, July 04, 2011

This is just disgusting...Man rapes unconscious woman

I recently posted various reasons of why I hate Kansas City. Compared to this news article, my other reasons are rather trivial. Maybe this sort of thing happens everywhere but I have to say that the reaction of the public in the area is what is really disgusting. NO one stopped to help this woman. woman helped her. Other people just passed by. Horrible to think a woman who passes out in this city had better hope someone will care enough to help.

How can anyone as human beings not notice a man raping an unconscious woman at 11 am on a busy street. Troot Ave. in Kansas City is a very well-traveled street...4 lanes wide and runs parallel to other major streets. Unfortunately it has also been called a sort of "dividing line" for the city with more financially stable/affluent people on one side and more financially strapped, sometimes less educated people on the other.

The people of this city either didn't see this happening (even though it was on the sidewalk and not hidden in an alley) or they didn't notice. People in cars are usually paying attention to the road, not the happenings on sidewalks. I can understand drivers not noticing. However, what about other pedestrians?

The woman in question was walking, felt light-headed (temperatures were extremely hot that day), she sat on the the sidewalk and passed out. This dredge of society took the opportunity to attack a helpless woman. He was allegedly in the process of raping the woman when another woman intervened. The man was caught by police with his zipper open and claiming all he did was touch the woman's leg. The woman who was attacked said she did not know what happened, however, the woman who came to her aid said she saw the entire incident.

My first thought was, how come no other pedestrians helped? A man having sex on a sidewalk with an unconscious woman (btw, he said he thought she was dead). How can you NOT do or say something? Even dialing 9-11 is better than walking by and doing nothing. This should be on "What would you do?" but it's such an absurd senario that most people wouldn't believe others would do nothing. This incident makes me wonder just how "civilized" we think we are.