Sunday, September 11, 2011

9/11 remembered...

Ten years after that tragic morning, I still remember vividly what I was doing when the country was attacked. I was asleep, soundly, when the phone rang. I answered and it was my then husband calling to ask me what was going on. He had heard frantic news reports but no one had actually said what happened. I turned on the TV and saw one of the twin towers smoking and just in time to see the second plane hit. I was stunned, shocked and disturbed. I didn't believe it even though I had just witnessed this happen.

Later that same day, my then husband and I signed paperwork to purchase our first home. It was a major day in my life on multiple levels.

I had the unique experience of seeing Ground Zero some years after the event. The visit was preceded by a happy event...the wedding of a couple friends.

This morning, 10 years later, that man who called me is married to someone else and instead of remembering this historic day together he is visiting with our son. I have a new home that I purchased by myself and I have weathered plenty of storms to find myself sitting here. There has been a lot of change in my life over the past 10 years.

Something I realized while these events unrolled was this...America is no longer the untouchable land we once were. Many countries have been bombed or felt the sting of terrorist attacks. We now must add our country to this unenviable list. I know there are people who feel America deserved the attack. At the risk of sounding like bleeding heart liberal, I don't believe any country "deserves" an attack. But I do hope that in the end, America will hesitate before taking actions in other countries that do not invite our interference. I also realize there are people who will hate us no matter what but we can not let radical elements mutate us into them.

Rest in peace all victims of terror attacks and to the people who create, plan and carry out such attacks...karma is a bitch, just ask Osama bin Laden.