Thursday, October 18, 2012

The Missouri race for the Senate

Claire McCaskill
Todd Akin

I haven't posted here much lately, mostly because I'm avoiding writing nothing but negative things. Still, I am about to do a bit of venting just to vent about the Missouri Senate race.

Anyone paying attention (and that's a questionable number) knows that Claire McCaskill is in a race against Todd Akin for the Missouri Senate seat. McCaskill is the incumbent and Akin is trying to take her seat. My disgust with this race began with comments from Akin. In an interview, Akin made a comment about rape. According to him, if it's a "legitimate rape," the female body can "shut down" pregnancy. He made this comment in an effort to support his opinions on denying women the commonly called "morning after pill." Akin is profoundly pro-life to the point of supporting denying abortion even in the case of rape or incest. Easy for him since he would not be the one carrying this child.

Akin, of course, "apologized" for the legitimate rape comment after getting harsh criticism. Members of his own party asked him to drop out of the race...he did not. The apology was bogus too since the man only claimed to has "misspoken." Uh...really? He totally opposes abortion in every case so it's not a far cry to believe he honestly believes a woman who gets pregnant from rape was not actually raped and therefore should have the child that was conceived.

Now, here come the attack ads...a common, typical and disgustingly natural part of Missouri politics. Neither candidate really touts their own achievements and instead the ads fixate on the flaws of the opponent. I've seen this practice ever since I moved to Missouri and I'm more profoundly disgusted that it works so well. The ad could be full of lies but if it hits a nerve, that candidate will win. Voters are left to make political choices based on how nasty the ads are. I have witnessed candidates who do not go negative get not just defeated but squashed in elections here. Did I mention that this is disgusting?

Akin may win by saying McCaskill is in Obama's back pocket. McCaskill may win by saying Akin really believes women won't get pregnant from rape. Will either ever say -I- did this or that to make this state a better place? I think that gets thrown in as an afterthought once in a while but the primary focus is to point a finger at the opponent and say, "That person SUCKS!" The saddest bit about this is...the candidate who screams "you SUCK!" the loudest is usually the winner.

McCaskill isn't perfect but I could never support a man who refuses to believe a raped woman who gets pregnant was not actually raped.