Sunday, July 31, 2016

I"m still Blue

Yes, it has been a long, long while since I posted anything on this blog. Perhaps I should remain silent but if anyone is paying attention, politics in America seems to have gone off it's rocker. Never in a million years would I have believed Donald Trump could win the Republican nomination. Nor did I ever believe Hillary Clinton would win the nomination from Democrats. What I really am stunned by is the massive amounts of hatred for both candidates. Well, I'll say this, maybe both deserve some hatred but only one deserves to be feared.

The things Trump has said, done and encouraged during this campaign are not only NOT presidential, they are dangerous. Telling followers to punch people in the face because they disagree, is not presidential. Making fun of the handicapped is not presidential. Showing zero concern or emotion for a fallen Muslim soldier and claiming that creating jobs is your sacrifice, is not presidential. A man who cares nothing for the death of one soldier will not care any more for the deaths of hundreds or sending thousands into harms way. His followers claim the terrible things Trump says is merely "sarcasm." I think they need to research the word.

As for Hillary, I don't say she is perfect but I will say she is no worse than any male politician. What she is accused of, and perhaps she has done it all, is no greater sin than any man who has held powerful offices. I don't mean just in America but all over the world. To me, Hillary is your typical politician, which means she is predictable to a certain degree. I have no worries that she will unleash nukes on another country just because she's pissed off at them.

I am with her and I agree with Obama. Trump is not the working people's champion. He has simply used fear and manipulation to rally up bigots, racists and others who have irrational fears. Other Republicans are party faithfuls who I believe can't understand what is happening to the values of the party. Inciting hatred has become the core of the Republicans when it used to be a fringe element. I think these types have been a growing cancer in the Republican movement for a long time. Now, it has metastasized. Only time will tell if other Republicans will agree to the proper treatment to rid itself of the growing menace. Right now, it seem to be spreading.