Sunday, January 29, 2017

Steep Climb Ahead

I have tried to blog about this administration so many times and just as I have thoughts formed, something happens that derails the entire blog. It has been a rough week for me just sitting here up to my neck in "red" watching the events churning out from the White House. The consensus today is, Trump loyalists love what has happened, Trump opponents are up in arms, or at the very least concerned. I'm more than concerned when I see activity that could be unconstitutional, specifically the Muslim ban, which has been blocked for now. They can try and put "lipstick on that pig" but that's what the executive order was, a ban on Muslims.

I strongly support the ACLU's efforts to halt this action by Trump. What saddens me is that it appears Trump will not listen to reason or even compromise to work with those with different opinions. He tends to call those with a different opinion his "enemies." That's a problem by itself. We are NOT enemies just for having a different opinion. We are all Americans who deserve a voice. That voice is also protected by the Constitution.

But despite this mess from D.C., I also believe the comments from Robert Reich are correct. He recently posted on Facebook a conversation with a Republican friend who confirmed what I already suspected. Republicans will allow Trump to do as he pleases to further their own agenda -- tax reform, repealing Obamacare, deregulation and any other pet projects. Once Trump "goes too far" they will impeach him and put Pence in his place because they "like Pence." The silence from senate Republicans in the light of the mess of Trump's first week seems to support what Reich's conversation says. It's all very troubling that Republicans are willing to allow so much damage to this country to further their agenda instead of actually working with Democrats to improve our country.

It is not a wonder that people have taken to the streets in protest. More protests are planned and I am encouraged by the Women's March. I support any peaceful protests, including the March for Life, although I am staunchly Pro-Choice and think the Pro-Life movement needs some serious refocusing. Despite all this, I am hopeful that protests will move our country in a better direction and I hope that shift happens quickly. Right now, it appears our Democracy is dangling by a thread. Repairing the damage being inflicted right now will be a long, steep and ugly climb.