Monday, May 29, 2006

Arkansas vs. Missouri

I went traveling this Memorial Day weekend down south. South is hardly ever my preferred traveling destination but I made an exception this time (as on previous occasions) because it was a family reunion event I attended. I like my family so going to Arkansas to see them isn't such a bad thing.

I mentioned this to some co-workers and I was somewhat surprised by the reaction. There seems to be this persistant feelings among the Missourians I know that Arkansas is this hillbilly-filled arm-pit of the world. I've never lived in Arkansas, only visited a few times, only live in Missouri because of various personal circumstances and would prefer to live in California. Suffice it to say, I have no dog in this Arkansas vs. Missouri fight...but i DO have an opinion.

People of Missouri (the ones to put down Arkansas) should take a visit down south sometime. That state actually has a campaign encouraging people to NOT litter and to rat out anyone you see littering. Missouri could stand some of that back-water advice. That state is much cleaner than least the parts I've seen.

Another point, less roadkill. Missouri roadkill is terrible...right up there with the litter. I even saw a man hit a goose on the freeway one day and didn't even slow down. The bird was almost out of the road and he didn't have to swerve to miss it, all he had to do was slow down a bit. The point is, roadkill, litter are two things easily fixed by cleaning crews.

Missouri has dropped the ball on that one.

Weather, it was hot in the day but cooled off nicely at night. Kansas City can't always say that.

A point for Missouri...fewer bugs up here.

Both states have produced presidents so I guess they are even on that one.

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