Friday, September 25, 2009

What American whites fear...

I was cruising YouTube and found an interesting news story about South African today. As I watched the clip, I realized that the reality there is what white Americans really fear. With the fall of Apartheid, South Africa's policy of racial segregation, life in the region has been turned around.

In the early 1980s I first heard about Apartheid. I was in high school and completely stunned by the racial segregation in South Africa. Posted signs saying which racial group could use certain facilities were things I saw from the American south from a time before mine. But the South African signs were not old and were still in use at the time. What was most baffling is that blacks were the majority in South Africa, unlike America where people of color are the minority.

So when I watched that YouTube video, I realized what was being shown is exactly why whites here worked so hard to prevent minorities from having equal rights. There is a real fear that equal rights will eventually give minorites superior rights. If more American whites knew of the fate of white South Africans, I think they would be terrified that Barack Obama is president.

While I don't agree with allowing one group of people to have better or more rights than another, especially based on race, I do think South Africa is a perfect case of karma, or the law of cause and effect. Whites benefitted from the color of their skin while blacks suffered and struggled for years. I wonder if any of the whites who are struggling now ever tried to help the blacks living in the slums under Apartheid. Most likely not. I have observed that human nature tends to favor working to keep what you have (which is clearly seen by American's opposition to Affirmative Action), even at the unfair expense of others. Humans in general seem to lack a sense of compassion for their fellow man when that compassion may cost them something of value.

As I said...the suffering of whites in South African appears to be a case of karma to me. For years they cared nothing for the struggles of blacks. Now blacks have an opportunity to prosper and like the whites before them, they want to keep what they have. I wonder how the whites would feel if the blacks told the whites there to 'go back' to Europe. This is what whites tell blacks here...never mind the whites of South Africa were born there just as the blacks of America were born here.

1 comment:

The Middle Ear said...

I think you're right. Specifically, it's fear of karma that's driving so much of the animus directed at President Obama. I've written a few posts about it on my blog at .