Sunday, August 19, 2012

Romney/Ryan...when did I join the GOP?

I must admit that I have not followed the Presidential Race closely. I have already cast my lot, so to speak, I am an Obama supporter. However, somehow, the GOP seems to think either I can be swayed or that I am really a Republican in disguise. I have been getting emails from the GOP, quite regularly, talking about the horrors of Obama. Interesting...the only thing I ponder is how the GOP ever got my email address in the first place.

I have been a member of the Democratic Party for more than a decade. I take pride in the items I receive from the Party. I have gotten autographed photos from the President and his family. Items from the First Lady and all sorts of requests for money. I expect the money requests, am surprises and happy to get everything else. I would love to attend a convention one day and yet...the GOP keeps sending me emails. My SPAM filter is just not very good.

When I think of the Republican ticket, I am profoundly not impressed. Romney bothers me and Ryan gives me great pause.

It seems that Romney loves living the life of a rich man but wants to hide details of that his tax returns.

Ryan on the other hand, seems to believe this country is actually a theocracy and not a democracy. That is super troubling. The pair together look good on a ticket but as someone once said to me, "Details baby, details!"

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