Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Stealth Trumpers

The world is an odd place. In a sane world if you like something or someone, you'd shout that from the rooftops and proudly embrace such a thing. Not so with Trump. No, I'm not calling him Pres. Trump. To me, he's just Trump or 45. Anyway...

Loving or even liking something means admitting that without a disclaimer. I love chocolate. I have no issues saying this. I own my love of chocolate and I don't care if you like chocolate or not. It's not my job to convince you to love chocolate too. Taking a leap from the chocolate, I've noticed that many Trumpers feel a deep need to constantly add a disclaimer when professing their approval of Trump.

A great example of this would be a recent comment from a coworker. She admitted she didn't vote at all. She said she didn't like political debates. She explained that no one likes everything about everyone and that she didn't agree with everything Trump says or does. However, she likes what he is doing because he is "getting things done." What things? Apparently she is referring to insulting other countries and world leaders, name calling and all the personality traits most people would consider vile. I got the impression she feels Trump's behavior and hostility prove he's a man who won't take crap from others who are giving America crap.

Another person I recently spoke with said Trump was putting America first and honoring God. Asking him "How?" never got an answer, but this man instead insisted that Trump is superior to Obama. He also suggested I am a 'heathen' because I quoted the Bible regarding how to treat a guest in your land after he said toss out the 'illegals'. I also asked him to show me the Bible verse that said grabbing women's genitals was OK. He replied that the women wanted Trump to grab them.

While all that is disturbing on its own, what is more troubling is these two clearly see the flaws, but are more interested in defending and protecting Trump. They refuse to hold him accountable for anything. They have an attitude that the ends justify the means so whatever Trump does is fine as long as they get the end result they desire. But at the same time, they hedge their support with qualifiers.

"I don't agree with everything he says."

"I only watch what he does. I don't pay attention to everything he says."

"He didn't mean that the way you are taking it."

"You just hate him, that's why you think he can't do anything good."

The qualifiers serves many purposes but one thing they do is attempt to derail your argument.

You say, "Trump is saying people come from sh*thole countries." They say, "He didn't mean it that way." You get derailed into an argument about what Trump actually meant, which is pointless. We have to go by what he says, not what that person claims he meant.

Instead of heading down that pointless road, stick with your point and ask the hard questions, not what they think he meant.

Ultimately, if a person likes Trump, he/she should be able to say so proudly, right. Scream it from the rooftops just as I would proclaim my love of chocolate. However, they instead offer this talk salad of misdirection to derail anything you say about Trump while hedging their on arguments of support. Don't eat the talk salad. Stick to your point and you will learn a lot more about the person making excuses for the 71-year-old POTUS who should be able to speak clearly for himself.

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