Thursday, April 27, 2006

At the pump...

I hope people can see that the offer of $100 to off-set the cost of gas is total BS. It is an obvious ploy to get Americans to say, hey, give me the money while ignoring the cost for the pitiful payout.

WE get $100, big oil gets billions. Who is stupid enough to buy that? Not to mention taking the money means drilling in Alaska wilderness. I hope people can see the obvious ploy to distract us from real issues with a little bit of money.

On top of all that...people whine about $3 a gallon now. When Californians were paying that people said, "That's there..." We have to get rid of the NIMBY attitude. Now, we all are getting it...and not even really getting the total hit.

In other countries, our prices would be a bargain. Americans need to wake up and realize that our prices for gas, even at $3 a gallon, are quite low.

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