Monday, May 29, 2006

Arkansas vs. Missouri

I went traveling this Memorial Day weekend down south. South is hardly ever my preferred traveling destination but I made an exception this time (as on previous occasions) because it was a family reunion event I attended. I like my family so going to Arkansas to see them isn't such a bad thing.

I mentioned this to some co-workers and I was somewhat surprised by the reaction. There seems to be this persistant feelings among the Missourians I know that Arkansas is this hillbilly-filled arm-pit of the world. I've never lived in Arkansas, only visited a few times, only live in Missouri because of various personal circumstances and would prefer to live in California. Suffice it to say, I have no dog in this Arkansas vs. Missouri fight...but i DO have an opinion.

People of Missouri (the ones to put down Arkansas) should take a visit down south sometime. That state actually has a campaign encouraging people to NOT litter and to rat out anyone you see littering. Missouri could stand some of that back-water advice. That state is much cleaner than least the parts I've seen.

Another point, less roadkill. Missouri roadkill is terrible...right up there with the litter. I even saw a man hit a goose on the freeway one day and didn't even slow down. The bird was almost out of the road and he didn't have to swerve to miss it, all he had to do was slow down a bit. The point is, roadkill, litter are two things easily fixed by cleaning crews.

Missouri has dropped the ball on that one.

Weather, it was hot in the day but cooled off nicely at night. Kansas City can't always say that.

A point for Missouri...fewer bugs up here.

Both states have produced presidents so I guess they are even on that one.

Monday, May 22, 2006

KC Zoo

I went to the zoo this costs $8.50 for adults but lucky me, I had free passes. That's a very good thing because I would have been rather disappointed.

The entry is always nice, near the IMAX theater, it's supposed to close so I have no idea what they will do with the space. The gift shop is pretty nice also. Going into the zoo looks great and there's plenty of parking, what more could you ask for? Oh....I don't know...MORE animals and LESS walking, no HIKING!

I worked at the zoo about 15 years ago on the pony rides. I had to walk in a big circle with kids riding ponys all day so I'm not a stranger to walking a lot. HOWEVER, the complaints I heard then are the same ones I have now. It takes 20 minutes, or longer with a kid, to hike from the Australia exhibits to the Africa exhibits. I skipped Australia this trip because I'm aware of the distance between the two. I visited the Asian exhibits and Africa. Anyone who has been there knows I'm not exaggerating about the walking, in the hot sun, and no animals to see on the way...well, a few, but not enough.

The people who created the layout of the KC Zoo still haven't figured it need to see animals, more than 3-4 sleeping, during that 20 minute hike. It's supposed to be a zoo where you WILL see animals, not a nature hike where you have to FIND animals.

Negro Leagues and black/white dating

I like having lunch with co-workers. I know, what does that have to do with the Negro Leagues Baseball Museum....getting to that.

Since I was born in California, a thriving hot-bed of diversity, it's hard for me to understand racism in it's many forms. Sure it exists there but rarely do you meet a white person who is really afraid of Blacks simply because of their skin color. I've met a few people in Kansas City like that. To give credit to Kansas City, these people are usually from the middle of no-damned where.

Here's the Negro League tie co-worker just visited that museum and he's a huge baseball fan. Why not sooner, like 10 years ago? Because his "mommy and daddy" taught him that the Historic 18th & Vine district in Kansas City was a dangerous and scary place to go. If you can't guess why it's because all those blacks hang out there. AAAAAGH!!!

I thought about that for a moment and it really annoyed me. This guy is about 6-feet tall and not a small farmboy either. His parents have taught him to be afraid of Blacks and for what reason. To hear him say it, they are afraid he'll become a crime victim. I have another theory.

What do po-dunk whites hate more than having their kid getting beaten or robbed by a black? Their kid bringing a Black person home as a boy or girlfriend. This guys mom and dad would crap bricks if he walked into the house with a black girl on his arm. That's the real fear.

Rolling stereotype

Today was one of the few days in my life where I wish I had a camera phone. Of course, if I did I'd probably have wrecked my car and wouldn't be blogging right now.

Anyway, while driving home a car passed me and I would have to only describe this as a rolling stereotype. It was a black man driving a Mazda Miata with the freedom colors on a personalized license plate that read "stolen."

Why do I see things like that in Kansas City?

Saturday, May 20, 2006


Cats are my favorite animal. They are so independent and stealthy. People call them sneaky and say they hate them. I think those people have too much time on their hands. Why devote any amount of hate to a species? I don't like bugs but I don't hate them.

I went a cat show recently. Those cats are beautiful and well taken care of but cat people are different than dog people in a particular way. Cat shows allow house cats to compete. They don't all have to be purebred. Dog people don't do that.

Ultimately, if you are good to animals (no matter what kind) you are probably a good person in some kind of way.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

What's the deal???

There is something I've noticed since moving here. What is the deal with some Kansans and Missourians hating California? I don't get it. If I say something good about California, they have to say something bad. I think it's an inferiority complex but would love to hear from a native who has a better perspective on the issue. I'm obviously biased on this.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Esmie Tseng

Most people outside the KC metro area have no idea who Esmie Tseng is and probably don't care. But that's not a reason to ignore a growing problem in our country. That problem is selective sympathy for particular children being charged as adults.

Esmie stabbed her mother to death after alleged years of abuse. Facts in the case are...Esmie admits to the stabbing, her mom most likely did abuse her, her father did not pay for a lawyer (she had the public defender), she was given 8+ years in adult jail where she will most likely be horribly abused and receive no mental therapy.

I've heard a lot of sympathy for this girl Esmie but very little for other youths charged as adults. In fact, I've heard the opposite...Esmie was abused, yet still a good student, those other kids are just horrible preditors who deserve long jail time. How do you have it both ways? Esmie kept her grades up so that makes her an overall good kid? An abused kid who is flunking out is a preditor?

I would recommend people watch the documentary "Juvies" before throwing the book at every kid who screws up.

I know someone who did a lot of illegal things as a youth...ran away, drank, drugged, broke laws or rules...that same person now professes to NOT want to "reward" illegal behavior and believes -most- youths charged as adults deserve it. That person is a lost cause, others, I highly recommend that documentary.