Sunday, October 29, 2006

Stem-cell battle

This picture is curtosy of KU Med Center

You would have to be half dead to not be aware of the battle over stem cell research raging in Missouri right now. Is it cloning? Was Michael J. Fox acting? Is Rush Limbaugh right? What does Jim Talent think? What does Clair McCaskill think?

Lots of questions. Now, First Family Church has jumped into the fray with all their opinions on the issue. The good Christians at that church have the right to speak their peace but do they have the right to lie and scare people? Apparently, under the guise of opinion and claimed facts, they do.

A sermon by Pastor Jerry Johnston goes on and on about the horrors and dangers of approving Ammendment 2 in Missouri. If passed, according to the reverend, Missouri will become a fetus farm and babies will be experimented on to create stem cells and cure diseases for others. One group of people should not be experimented on "Nazi style" to help another group.

WHOA DUDE!!! What does Ammendment 2 really allow?

Well, embryos from IVF would be used to extract stem-cells. The thing is, these embryos are destined to die anyway. They are embryos that will be donated for research by people who will not try to have a baby with them. The other stem-cells will come from what some call cloning. Basically, as seen in the picture, a cell creates the stem-cells. That blastocyst is created by taking a human egg cell, removing the nucleus and replacing it with the nucleus of another cell. That blastocyst then produces stem-cells but will -NEVER- grow into an embryo or a human being. This is what some call cloning. Basically, if you put that blastocyst into a MIGHT grow into a human. This is what they call cloning.

Millions with horrible diseases will die while a few who are afraid of medical progress scare others who don't inform themselves.

I just got diagnosed with diabetes two weeks ago. If this process could find a cure, I am all for it. A blastocyst is not a human being. An embryo destined to die anyway can do some good. I have a strong belief in God and had my son through fertility medical treatments. I am totally in favor of Ammendment 2. I think it will fail because of fear. What a shame!

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