Monday, November 06, 2006

Can I hate him any more???

Ward Connerly is a piece of work. I can not believe this man but I must realize these types have always existed. These are people who sell out their own race to get spoon fed personal priviledges. This is Ward Connerly. He is leading a nation wide effort to destroy Affirmative Action because he feels it is unfair and discriminatory to whites.

Apparently we have never had successful white businessmen, presidents, politicians, or religious leaders. The white people of this country are being held down by blacks benefitting from Affirmative Action.

To let you know how sick this Connerly guy is, his initiative to kill Affirmative Action in Michigan is backed by the Ku Klux Klan. Did he disavow them? NO! He welcomes the endorsement from a group that sanctioned violence and murder of people of Connerly's race. He has stooped so low it is beyond disgusting. It shows a level of self hate this man has that is truly amazing.

Many whites in California, where Connerly was successful and many young minorities AND women are now suffering from his campaign, admired Connerly. Many white women in denial that they also benefitted from AA voted to kill AA. Now, I hope they really see this man for who he really is...a self-hating black man who would have helped slave masters kill other slaves to ensure his life was safe.

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