Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Independence in America is a joke

I watched "man-on-the-street" interviews with voters in Massachusetts today only to confirm in my mind that being "Independent" in America sucks.

Most of the voters interviewed proudly proclaimed they are Independent voters...meaning what? An Independent voter supposedly votes for candidates or issues, not political parties. The people interviewed in Mass. proudly proclaimed their Independence but in the midst of their pride they all marched to the polls and made a mistake.

Somewhere in recent history proclaimed political party loyalty became bad behavior. To say I am a proud Democrat or Republican became the sign of a closed mind. What it really proclaims is a commitment to the ideals of either party, Republican or Democrat. I think this lack of party loyalty is part of the greater issue of being politically correct, as ironic as that may sound. Basically, to say I am voting for the Democrat, even though I may disagree with the person has become bad taste...same goes for choosing the Republican. What passes as good political sense is proclaiming you are Independent and voting for the "person." (Why is person in quotes? Because in politics you NEVER vote for the person. While YOU vote for the person, trust me, that person is loyal to his/her party)

Now we have this situation in Mass. where a Republican candidate is poised to destroy Health Care Reform...all because certain Independent voters decided to vote for the person and not the party. I say these people refuse to see the bigger picture being their votes can destroy something this country has needed for years.

A friend said to me recently, "People opposed to health care reform all have insurance and it's probably better than anything the government will offer...but they want me to oppose the public option."

I am angry at the people of Mass. They had an opportunity to try and help less fortunate Americans with today's vote. I will admit that Ms. Coakley did not run the best campaign but sometimes you have to see past the particular candidate and vote for the party. Yes, I wrote that and I regularly say it out loud. I firmly believe this because that candidate who proclaimed to be Independent but just part of this or that particular party...when a tough or close issue comes along, that candidate will tow the party line every time.

Mr. Brown has already made the deals with his party to be negative on health care reform. He already will stand with his party on this issue and I'm certain he will give great reasons for why. Since I am in favor of reform, I feel this move is tragic for myself and others like me...hard-working Americans who need affordable health care. Not everyone without health insurance is unemployed and lazy. I am truly sad that the voters of Mass. did not see fit to continue Sen. Kennedy's wish of health care for all.

However, it is time to look past this loss/blow and carry on. We have to take those lemons and make lemonade. While Mr. Brown has health care, and a damned good plan too, I hope our leaders can find a way around this defeat.

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