Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The many faces of racism

I love this photo! It tells a simple truth that racism can look obviously scary or just like a bad joke.

Most people know what the man on the right is representing. The Ku Klux Klan has been around for a while and they openly espouse hatred. The KKK claims to be an organization supporting "white rights, not hatred" but the organizations history is contradictory to that statement.

The man with the monkey with the Obama name is more subtle and, unfortunately, more popular. He is as much a racist at the man in white but he has a slicker way of showing this. People of color in America today need to beware of this man much more than the man in the white sheets.

Growing up in California I experienced racism but not as much as one may think. I experienced it enough to recognize the signs...kind of like recognizing a gas leak or sewer gas. When I experienced racism, I was always surprised but it never failed to stick with me. What I find insulting today is if I were to confront both men in the photo, the one in the hood would admit to his beliefs while the one with the monkey would simply say it was just a joke and I "misunderstood" his point.

Growing up, I have also noticed one group in particular that has a tendency towards subtle racism...and no, it's not white men but white women. This group tends to automatically presume a sense of superiority and their tactic for expressing is more in line with monkey man than Mr. Hoodie. It is a path of condescending speech and the presumption that the person being spoken to is powerless. These women (note, not all white women do this, only the racist ones) cover their racism with fake smiles and dictates that they are "taking the higher ground" in various arguments. It was white women who erroneously believe they are NOT a minority group helped by affirmative action who helped pass Prop 209 in California. This initiative demolished Affirmative Action in that state. White women stupidly reveled in this accomplishment under the claim that no one needs a "hand out."

I say cheering for the devestation of Affirmative Action is stupid because it makes no sense to knock yourself down then cheer for the opportunity to struggle back up. Our country was built on racism and it still exists in many subtle ways...especially in the media. Americans have issues with a black man romancing a white woman, and vice-versa. Americans thinks it's an improvement for a black child to be raised by whites but it's a horrible tragedy for a white child to be in the custody of a non-white family. This is all racism...subtle though it may be. I could go on but I will stop here.

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