Sunday, February 27, 2011

Hot, festering messes...

Starting with the easy one...Libya. Is anyone really surprised that Moammar Gadhafi does not want to give up power. He came to power when I was 2! OMG! Someone who has had power that long will not easily step aside.

I am reading tonight that he may no longer be in power. Well, with an entire nation rising up to smite thee, I guess stepping down would be a good move. But the bigger picture is a lot of countries in the Middle East are having uprisings. I'm sure to Americans this is what is to be expected. In many American eyes, Muslim countries are oppressive and run by dictators. There may be some truth to that, there may be a lot of truth to that, however, just because we have a bad view of Muslim governments doesn't mean these people will automatically desire and convert to a democracy. Why do Americans think democracy is the default and all other forms of government are just test runs?

However, as the title of this blog says, Libya is at present a "hot, festering mess!" There has been a revolt in effect there since Feb. 16. I must admit I haven't been keeping a close eye on Libya. It catches my attention because Mr. Gadhafi caught my attention years ago when he got a bit froggy with the world. The rebellious teen in my admired him for standing up to America. The logical person in me wondered if he actually had to ability to hurt us...he had already hurt others.

I think it would be best if he lost power. In my opinion, no one person should ever hold power alone, let alone for more than 40 years. That makes me shudder.

Charlie Sheen

Say what you want about Charlie, he definitely qualifies as a hot, festering mess. The phone calls to radio stations, the arrests, the clear addictions to porn, porn stars, drugs and God knows what else, he needs help. I am watching his behavior and come to realize this man has been greatly enabled for years. People are turning on him now but he still has a long way to fall from his lofty perch. But I'm less concerned with Charlie's addiction and more concerned with the enabling part.

Many people don't realize Mr. Sheen is actually a Latino man, born Carlos Estevez. I think he's a rather hot Latino man but still, he is Latino but his ability to "pass" for white has helped his career and probably enables his addictions. I firmly believe our society is much more forgiving to whites than they are to people of various other ethnic backgrounds. If Carlos spoke like and resembled Benicio del Toro and had the same behavior, I wonder if people would be so enabling/forgiving. Right now, Carlos is really getting rejected but he got several passes before reaching these people's limits. Having a show that rakes in millions also affords Carlos a pass. But I maintain that you know when a co-worker if a bit "off." If you choose to ignore it, it may come back and bite you in the assets.

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