Sunday, November 04, 2012

The home stretch

We are down to the wire for this election and I keep seeing predictions that Obama may win. I really hope that doesn't make people stay home and believe it's all a done deal. It never is, especially when the polls show the election is "neck and neck."

It's clear to anyone paying attention that I am for Obama. I am not saying he is perfect. I'm not saying he has all the solutions. I'm not even saying I like all that he has done. However, what I am saying is that I would pick Obama over anyone like Romney, and for very specific reasons. Romney does not represent enough of what I either agree with or support.

I have been a Democrat my entire life and I don't see that fact changing, ever. The Democrats are far from perfect but Republicans who tell me to take care of myself, then make things harder for me while lining their own pockets with my tax money really annoy me. I just don't understand how anyone with limited financial assets thinks a Republican cares. Of course, I know many support Republican agendas because of the abortion debate.

I am Pro-Choice and have been for a long time. When I hear Todd Akin talk about "legitimate rape" or Paul Ryan comment that rape is another form of conception, I find that disturbing. I think it's easy for some men to disregard the damage caused by rape. To say that woman should carry and raise a child from her rapist is just horrible. I understand that these candidates claim to care for the unborn child but honestly, why aren't they doing something to help unwanted children in this world instead of forcing women to have more?

Summing this election season up is simple...I'm sick to death of the attack ads here in Missouri...ALL attack ads. I guess because we have been "painted red" for this election, this is probably why there are precious few ads from Obama here. Why throw good money into a red pit when you are blue. I guess the really amazing this is how much people here seem to really hate Obama. Uh...really?

The last politician I honestly hated was Ronald Reagan. Yes...I really hated him. The disclaimer on that one is I was about 18 and pissed off because my veteran's benefits were eliminated. I had been told much of my teen years that as long as I stayed in school, I could get a government check because my father had served in the military. He died in his early 30s and therefore could not collect his own benefits so they were passed to his long as we stayed in school I would receive checks until the age of 24. I was cut off at 18 and Ronny made a comment that the benefits were for the vets, NOT their children. It sounds good in a sound bite or commercial but in reality, they just cut off a bunch of children like myself. That set me on a firm path of being "blue."

So...very soon the election will be resolved and frankly, I'll be happy normal television will be back on the air. I hope Obama wins, that's no secret, but I must add this...Obama won 2 out of the 3 debates. If he loses the election, I really have to wonder what people are thinking. As I write this, an Obama ad aired. I just realized, his ad is the ONLY political ad I've seen that was not an attack ad. That should be a great reason to vote for him but alas, I know the people of Muzzarah love their attack ads. People here easily swallow that spoon-fed bile and love it...truly sad!

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