Sunday, November 06, 2016

Trump's Appeal, My Opinion

I realize I haven't blogged much this election cycle. It's not for lack of interest. It's because I've been profoundly baffled by the popularity of Trump. I have pondered and wondered why seemingly intelligent people have come out of the woodwork to not just support Trump, but to be entrenched in their support of Trump. What is his appeal? I've asked and I don't get many answers so I'm left to ponder on my own and I think I have a reason. Most Trump people fear change that would give minorities an advantage in this country more than they fear Trump having no plan to actually "Make America Great Again." What other reason is there to ignore his many transgressions, refusal to be transparent and lack of experience? Evan evangelical Christians are dismissing Trump's bad behavior, turning hypocrite, to support Trump. Here's why I think this is the case.

The U.S. Census has shown a continued decrease in the number of white people in America. In 2008, whites were 79.80 percent of the population, despite that, Obama still won the white house. In 2010, whites made up about 69% of the U.S. population. That's a steep drop. In 2012 whites made up 63%. In 2013, whites were at 62%. There is a clear drop in the number of whites in America. But just because someone is white, does not mean they are Republican or they will vote "red." Among that 62% are Liberals, meaning that clear "red" vote is reduced even more. Of course there are some minorities who vote "red" but let's be honest, there aren't many. Even FOXNews admits that is a steep hill to climb for Trump.

So, with white people at just 62% of the population six years ago, this being a steady drop since 2008, it's safe to guess that the white population continues to drop. Factor in that some whites are Liberal and always vote Democratic or Third Party and some Republicans have turned their backs on the Republican Party for a variety of reasons. That "noose" on white, evangelical, working class Republicans is tightening and they already feel left out. Trump is an effort to protect what they hold dear and give the Republican Party establishment the "middle finger." Hillary Clinton could be anyone. The love of Trump is fueled by people hearing what they want to hear, desperately grasping this and rejecting Clinton as a person who will continue to ignore their needs, hence the Confederate Flag.

To me, the Confederate Flag is a symbol of racism. It represents slavery to me and when I see a white person with this flag, I immediately think that person is racist. However, my opinion of the flag matters little because many white Americans feel the flag represents rebellion. If so, these Trump supporters are rebelling and I don't think it's about Hillary at all. I think it's about their own party. This would explain why supporters completely ignore things in Trump they never would accept from Pres. Obama or any other candidate. This is why evangelicals can look at nude photos of Melania and call it art while they said it was indecent for Michelle Obama to wear a sleeveless dress. The truth is, these people are angry at Republicans, not Democrats, not Hillary. Ask one of them why they hate Hillary and people will mention emails, she's "crooked" or Benghazi. Press them on these and they really have no substance behind the accusations. Then ask them about Congress, which is controlled by Republicans.

Trump is a symptom of a very broken political party.

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