Saturday, April 29, 2006

The Governator!

I lived in California when Ah-nold was elected. The re-call was not our highest moment in political history, but the Governator won fair and square. He's Republican but at least he had the sense to marry a Democrat.

That said, from where I sit here in Missouri, I think he has done an OK job. He seems to listen, unlike Mr. Bush. Of course, Californias had the sense to NOT pass his inititatives.

However, on the issue of immigration, maybe the Reds should listen. After all, Arnold is a Republican himself and he is living in a state directly impacted by illegal immigration...or all those damned Mexicans. He says building a fence would take us back to the stone age.

It's kind of a stupid idea, really. If fences worked so well, why didn't the Chinese keep that wall?

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