Monday, April 10, 2006

What next?

After a long weekend, and I mean very long, I wake this morning and thought I'd gone through some bizzare time warp. What do I hear on my morning news but reports that our fantastic leader is considering bombing Iran. WHAT THE F***???

It's a given that Iran has been naughty but where do we get the right to bomb people for that. Reverse the situation and we should be bombed off the face of the planet. America's hands aren't clean in the world.

The part that really blows me away is the logic, and I use the term loosely, of what the expected results are from this bombing campaign. Supposedly, the Iranians will suddenly fear the big bad America and get rid of the naughty government and replace it with a Democracy. The clouds will part and all will be right with the world, all from one bomb. Hmmmmm...isn't that's what was supposed to happen in Iraq?

*Default Republican answer* "It was a good thing to get rid of Saddam. The world is a safer place without him in power."

Well, not so sure about that statement. Saddam isn't Mother Theresa but is Iran better without him. I think our campaign has killed as many as he did and now they are headed straight into civil war.

These hawkish tactics are just not wise. Since the Bush Administration doesn't seem to get it, I'll spell it should never fight a war on two fronts, let alone three. If they can't figure that out, maybe I should send them a copy of my Age of Empires game. I learned that basic fact of war playing that game.

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