Thursday, June 29, 2006

CrossWalk America

Since moving to Missouri, I haven't gotten the chance to meet very many really interesting people. When it does happen, it's always a good thing. I like people with passionate causes that are aimed at something good and this week, I got to meet a few.

CrossWalk America is a movement to tell the country that hey, not every Christian is a right-wing nutbar. They are walking across America with the message of Christian love for God, self and neighbor. That last one can really stick in people's craw when your neighbors are homosexuals. Personally, I actually do have homosexual's not the first time, probably won't be the last. Like everyone else, they are people too...but I digress.

There are Christians who are NOT bigots....these are them and they deserve not only a voice but to be heard. They proudly say you can be a Christian and love the environment, support separation of church and state and *gasp* support gay rights. They say remember, Jesus said love one another.

A co-worker, when I mentioned the walkers, sarcastically said, "How many are walking...5?" Well, there are 6 core walkers but hundreds have joined in the walk and movement. She isn't very open-minded about these things, which is sad for a person so young.

I hope the Phoenix Affirmations, a doctrine written for the future of Christianity, is really the direction the faith is moving.

Recent polls show people leaving Christianity and with people openly showing their bigotry, it's no wonder. This movement, at the very least, deserves to be heard and if it touches your heart, embraced.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Chicago, Chicago

To quote Doris Day in the film Calamity Jane
"...I just got back from the Windy City, the Windy City is mighty pretty but..." no butt's Doris/Jane, the Windy City has Kansas City beat by a mile!

Chicago has it's problems...traffic is horrible, it's dirty, the subway system is older than I am and it is the definition of urban sprawl. We drove 40 miles and it took about 2 hours with traffic.

Still, Chicago has a lot to do and see. The Field Museum is worth the trip. If you go there, you can't miss "Sue," only the largest, most intact T-Rex ever found. Exhibits like that and the King Tut exhibit make the museum a must see. Although, don't get a brain fart and think you will see it all in one day as me and my family did. This place is HUGE and fascinating, like a maze of exhibits, displays and information.

If you are so inclined to liking man-eaters, there are three more in the Field Museum. The two Tsavo lions who ate railroad workers in the movie "The Ghost and the Darkness" are at the Field Musuem. So is another man-eater, not so lucky as to have a movie...all maneless male lions.

In all, the 8 hour drive was worth the trip.

Monday, June 12, 2006

The mighty has fallen, and is too high to know it!

What the hell happened to Whitney Houston???

Ok, I always thought she was a bit of a snob, a snooty b***h who needed to be taken down a few pegs. I was never really a fan, her music (with the exception of a few songs) was ok. My thoughts when she sang, "I want to dance with someone who loves me" were, she ought to only dance with herself because no one loves her more...but damn! I didn't want THIS to happen to her.

The speech she gave at East Southern University was abismal and indicative of a person with a real problem. She had to be stoned out of her mind...I HOPE.

Here's a short portion of what she said, "Thank y'all for coming to see me tonight. How are you doing? Let's get this party started, yeah! (Assistant whispers to Whitney.) Oh, oh right. What college is this? East Southern University. Well, hello, ESU. ESU, ESU, ESUUUUU (dances). Let me start by saying, I believe that children are our future ... (hums) ... lead the way ... show them all the beauty they possess inside ... shit it's hot. (Wipes brow and drops fur coat to the ground.) Why you having this shit outside, anyway? You never heard of air conditioning?"

If she's not still on the cocaine, I don't know what's going on in her head. She is a sad, sorry case. With all her flaws and whatever I didn't like about her, she was once a physically beautiful woman. Now, she's just a crackhead.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Down goes Fraiser

Gay marriage ban bit the big one today. It may be resurrected one day but for now, it's a dead issue. It should stay dead. If two men or two women want to marry, what business is it of mine. I'm glad small-minded people did not succeed in putting discrimination into the Constitution.

What is wrong with same-sex marriage? Is it the image of two men or two women bumping uglies that some straight people just can't stand?

As it appears for now, some states allow types of unions, others don't. I think it's sad that the area of the country, the heartland, seems to be the most devoid of love for their fellow men and women. People say it's a sin but those same people probably sin every day. NO one is perfect.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Republican agenda, why conservatives should be pissed

I was talking to someone today and the issue of abortion came up. Whether you are for it being legal or not, that person said a very curious thing...Republicans don't care about pro-life issues.

Knee-jerk reaction was to tell this person he is nuts. How can you say that...they scream pro-life. People vote Republican simply to have pro-life candidates. Here in Missouri, ads ran calling Kerry a baby killer because he didn't oppose late-term abortion. Partial-birth abortion is a name they made up to make it sound more horrible than it is so how could these good baby-loving Republicans not care about abortion.

Clarification, Republicans care about abortion, they care to keep it legal. I really thought this person was off then...but he swayed me with his logic and I would challenge anyone to dispute this.

He said Republicans want abortion legal as a voting tool. Catholics and conservatives will vote pro-life, that means Republican generally. Republicans have the power right now to outlaw abortion but haven't done it, it's not even on the agenda. Gay marriage (a whole different issue) is on the forefront.

How do they have the power? They have total control of the government now...the House, Senate, Presidency and the Supreme Court. They could outlaw it because they have the votes to do so...why is abortion still legal if Republicans are pro-choice? Because it is a wedge issue that brings conservatives to the polls.

Gay marriage is another wedge issue and I hope banning it fails. Who cares if two men or women want to marry. Ban divorce if you want to save marriage.