Monday, June 12, 2006

The mighty has fallen, and is too high to know it!

What the hell happened to Whitney Houston???

Ok, I always thought she was a bit of a snob, a snooty b***h who needed to be taken down a few pegs. I was never really a fan, her music (with the exception of a few songs) was ok. My thoughts when she sang, "I want to dance with someone who loves me" were, she ought to only dance with herself because no one loves her more...but damn! I didn't want THIS to happen to her.

The speech she gave at East Southern University was abismal and indicative of a person with a real problem. She had to be stoned out of her mind...I HOPE.

Here's a short portion of what she said, "Thank y'all for coming to see me tonight. How are you doing? Let's get this party started, yeah! (Assistant whispers to Whitney.) Oh, oh right. What college is this? East Southern University. Well, hello, ESU. ESU, ESU, ESUUUUU (dances). Let me start by saying, I believe that children are our future ... (hums) ... lead the way ... show them all the beauty they possess inside ... shit it's hot. (Wipes brow and drops fur coat to the ground.) Why you having this shit outside, anyway? You never heard of air conditioning?"

If she's not still on the cocaine, I don't know what's going on in her head. She is a sad, sorry case. With all her flaws and whatever I didn't like about her, she was once a physically beautiful woman. Now, she's just a crackhead.

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