Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Republican agenda, why conservatives should be pissed

I was talking to someone today and the issue of abortion came up. Whether you are for it being legal or not, that person said a very curious thing...Republicans don't care about pro-life issues.

Knee-jerk reaction was to tell this person he is nuts. How can you say that...they scream pro-life. People vote Republican simply to have pro-life candidates. Here in Missouri, ads ran calling Kerry a baby killer because he didn't oppose late-term abortion. Partial-birth abortion is a name they made up to make it sound more horrible than it is so how could these good baby-loving Republicans not care about abortion.

Clarification, Republicans care about abortion, they care to keep it legal. I really thought this person was off then...but he swayed me with his logic and I would challenge anyone to dispute this.

He said Republicans want abortion legal as a voting tool. Catholics and conservatives will vote pro-life, that means Republican generally. Republicans have the power right now to outlaw abortion but haven't done it, it's not even on the agenda. Gay marriage (a whole different issue) is on the forefront.

How do they have the power? They have total control of the government now...the House, Senate, Presidency and the Supreme Court. They could outlaw it because they have the votes to do so...why is abortion still legal if Republicans are pro-choice? Because it is a wedge issue that brings conservatives to the polls.

Gay marriage is another wedge issue and I hope banning it fails. Who cares if two men or women want to marry. Ban divorce if you want to save marriage.

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