Thursday, July 20, 2006

Political matters

Despite my blog name, I haven't spent much time griping about politics, mostly because my experience as a Liberal in a Conservative area goes beyond politics. Today, I experienced something that was quirky, awkward and funny all at the same time...sad too. While eating lunch with co-workers, one white, one Asian (mentioning their races will be apparent in a moment) a little girl at another table began pointing at us.

I paid no attention until I realized her mom was gripping her hand so tightly and talking sternly to the girl as to make her cry out in pain. Then I realized what she was saying, "Look mom, a black person..." Once I realized that, it wasn't a big deal. I concluded the kid has been very sheltered to be that impressed by seeing me. This kid appeared to be about 4 so she has had time to see blacks...but apparently has been shielded from them. That's a possibility...there are others but I'm going with that one.

My white co-worker was surprised, the Asian one said he got the "Chinese eyes" thing all the time where kids stretch their eyes to look Asian.

How sad in 2006 that people don't let their kids know about other cultures, etc. What was more troubling was the woman hurt her daughter for pointing. Being the mother of a son who will soon embarass me in many ways by pointing his crooked finger at people, I don't intend to crush his finger to make him stop.

People (this happened in Johnson County, of course) need to get their kids out more.

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