Friday, February 22, 2008

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

OK, I admit I am late to the party on this movie. I always intended on watching it. But for whatever reason I just never sat down long enough to get into this movie. I didn't even know what it was about...just thought the name of the film was kind of cool.

Also, Jim Carrey in serious roles tend to bug me. He's an excellent actor, that's not the issue. I just like him being funny.

So, I finally sat down and watched most of this film. It has a way of dragging me in. I didn't watch the whole movie, only bits and pieces, but I think I know what message it sends. If you were in a relationship, broke up and just could not deal with the pain of that relationship ending, what would you do? If someone had a procedure that could wipe away that memory and pain, would you take it? That's a profound question.

I've had several relationships over my lifetime, some good, some bad, but ALL have contributed to the person I am now. Take one or two away (along with the pain) and I would be a different person. Since I like who I am (for the most part) that makes it hard to say 'yes' to erasing any unhappy memories. However, that decision is with 20/20 hindsight.

At the time of pain, heartache and severe sadness, I can't say I wouldn't erase the cause of that pain. When a person is that sad, like Jim Carrey's character in the film, you just want that pain gone and if the memory has to go also, so be it.

A scene in the film that really caught my attention was when Carrey runs into his former girl and she behaves as if she doesn't know him. That's because she opted to erase HIM first. I think that would be more painful than the memory; running into that person and they don't remember you. I don't mean they -pretend- to not know you...they REALLY don't know you.

This movie provokes a lot of emotion if you are coming out of a very emotional relationship. It made me think...and it's depicted in the film...if I could erase that bad relationship, re-meet that person and start over again, would I opt for that? I honestly can't answer that question about any past relationship. I think they all ended for whatever reason and it's best to NOT go back. However, I also remember how much passion, excitement and fun I had at the beginning. To re-live that may be worth another go.

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