Tuesday, February 12, 2008


I guess people could describe my blogging as 'sporadic' but it's not because I have nothing to say. I have tons of thoughts and opinions...taking time to sit and write them takes commitment, which I tend to lack upon occasion.

But, there are times when things catch my interest and I just have to comment. The thing catching my interest lately is how people judge one another...especially on trivial matters.

Putting things into context...at my job there are a couple younger women I speak with. Both are black and a bit darker than myself. One has a young daughter, the other has a degree in criminal justice. From that description, you can probably guess who has the issue with judging people all the time. Yes, Ms. Criminal Justice!

I was sitting with them both, let's call them 'S' and 'Ms. CJ'.
S began talking about her daughter. Like a proud parent, I had to talk about my son (the light of my life). I have pictures in my wallet of my son too. I showed the photos and Ms. CJ immediately said, "Is he white?" S said he was absolutely too cute!

To look at the two, one would assume that S would have the skin color prejudice being a single mom from the ghetto while Ms. CJ, supposedly educated with her college diploma, would be more open-minded. There reactions blew away my presumptions!

Well, it's not a secret in my family that my son's dad is a white man. It's not considered a huge deal...unless for the past 11 years people have been putting up a front when I walk into a room. However, it wasn't just the question that put me off...it was the expression on Ms. CJ's face. It was a look of disgust. I found out a couple days later that she thinks white men are all unattractive. She admitted she has never seen an attractive white man.

That is one of the most racist things I've ever heard. How can an entire race of people be unattractive? There is beauty in everyone.

Besides not finding whites attractive, I could see the judgment creeping across Ms. CJ's face...it was there...just like a screen scroll across her forehead. She was judging me as less than herself because I not only slept with a white man, I actually married him and had a 'high yellow' baby.

I just think...how limiting is that attitude!? She is a sad, judgmental individual. It shouldn't matter to her who I sleep with. She doesn't have to be with him so why care, why judge? Learn to accept others as they are with out judgment.

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