Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Health care for all...I support that!

The debate about health care reform in this country has really gone on for way too long. People think this began with Pres. Barack Obama but if you could say it reaches back to the Clinton Administration. This argument may even have begun before Clinton but let's stop with our first 'black' President...Bill Clinton.

In 1993 Pres. Clinton proposed a health care plan and made First Lady Hillary Clinton the chair of the task force. That decision may not have been the wisest choice because the move immediately came under fire. The fire kept getting fanned, the plan got compromised until it finally died and was branded "Hillarycare."

Clinton's plan offered universal health care for all, just as Obama's plan offers a public option. One major difference between the Clinton's' plan and Obama's plan is Obama's may actually get passed in some manner. The real shocker to me is that even after all the bad publicity and scare tactics from the Right, the public has begun supporting the public option idea. After so many screams of socialism, I am very surprised that 57 percent of those polled want a public option.

I completely support a public option for health care for various reasons, many personal. Very soon my living situation will deprive me of health care. I do not qualify for Medicare or Medicaid, I have pre-existing conditions which prevent me from purchasing insurance on my own and my 'stature', according to one insurance company, means no insurance.

Our country loves to blame people for their bad predicaments in life. For a country founded by "Christians," this country will label Christian values as socialist when it serves a purpose. The Bible clearly dictates that we show charity to our neighbors. There are several chapters that speak to this subject, yet, when it costs us Americans money we are fast to scream "NO!" What can be more charitable than to make sure a person can see a doctor when needed? What can be more judgmental and uncharitable than to say, "You are fat and deserve to be unhealthy."

I have said it before, people deserve health care. In the long run, better health will increase the longevity of Americans. Our bad health is not simply from eating Big Macs with fries. A huge contributing factor is the fact that many of us must choose to pay the light bill OR see a doctor.

As I stare lack of health coverage straight in the eyes, knowing of my pre-diabetes and high blood pressure (long-term conditions that could lead to death), I am amazed that if this reform is not passed, I will be left to seek help at the "free clinic." People who oppose this reform can choose to delude themselves into thinking this is a good choice for a person with no other options but in America a law-abiding citizen deserves better.

Improve the free clinics, which are typically over crowded, have limited resources and are usually understaffed, or pass the reform WITH a public option that is affordable.

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