Wednesday, October 14, 2009

I don't see the logic of atheists or fundamentalists

Logic is defined as a system of reasoning according to the American Heritage Dictionary.

Reasoning is defined as the process of forming conclusions, judgments, or inferences from facts or premises, according to

Atheists are people who deny or disbelieve the existence of a supreme being or beings, according to

The only definition I think should be modified is the definition of Atheist. While my experiences with atheists has been limited, I have never met an atheist who simply disbelieves the existence of a higher power. The ones I have met vehemently deny the existence of a supreme being. Of course, this is their choice but the choice is not as logical, as they tend to claim. What they forget is logic is the beginning of knowledge, not the end...thank you Mr. Spock.

This brings to mind another term, fundamentalist, usually a religious movement or point of view characterized by a return to fundamental principles, by rigid adherence to those principles, and often by intolerance of other views and opposition to secularism.

While atheists profess to have logically reached their viewpoints that there is no God, why do they feel the same urge that fundamentalists have force feed the rest of society their views. In my efforts to better understand atheists, I have found that many chose this path out of resentment towards organized Christian religion. I would encourage anyone to really listen to atheist arguments and most are focused on Christian beliefs. Many atheists do not explain their disbelief so much as throw out subtle or obvious insults designed to create hostility in the believer. Comparing God to the Easter Bunny is just an insult, not an attempt to logically discuss belief and non-belief. Somehow, atheists also forget that there are several faiths that do NOT make promises like Christianity.

Even faiths considered similar to Christianity do not make the same promises. Muslims do not preach that Jesus was the son of God and considers all prophets equal. Judaism does not promise an afterlife to followers and instead teaches that good should be done because it is good.

One favorite argument atheists use is to tell believers they must prove the existence of God because science can not prove a negative. This is incorrect. Science makes claims that things do not exist regularly. I would even agree that scientifically, it may be impossible to prove the existence of God. However, the atheist argument that they do not need to disprove God because such a task is impossible scientifically is flawed logic.

This view into atheist society was prompted years ago when my husband decided he had discovered the ultimate truth...atheism. My move was an attempt to save my marriage and understand him. My viewpoints came from a very personal view. Honestly, I thought I would find a group of very logical people who simply did not believe in God. What I discovered was the flip side of fundamentalism...people who were ruled by emotions, spoiling to insult people unlike themselves, and ready to proclaim their beliefs as the ultimate truth that all should adopt. This observation became more logical when I discovered many vehement atheists were once vehement fundamentalists. The only change was beliefs, the personality of intolerance remained.

Both sides of this issue are unreasonable, illogical and stubborn. Discussing religion with either side is a lesson is massive frustration and should be avoided at all costs.

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