Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Cube news...

As I sat in my cubicle today pretending to work while actually emailing a co-worker about a photo he sent, our HR director bounced by. I usually ignore her when she bounces but the sudden ca-clack sound made as she passed caused me to look up. She was, of course, gone by the time I looked but she left a calling card.
Our cubes are metal hand-me-downs from some company that thought industrial metal with fake rivits and purple cloth trim and black borders was good looking. In reality, the metal tends to be cold and industrial, the purple is a weak attempt at accents and the black is just, well, black. Anway...I'm surrounded by metal.

As I looked to the area that generated the sound, I saw something last name. I immediately didn't like it. I suddenly feel like a dog in a kennel...My name is (fill in blank). I have been here for almost two years, paid poorly but I am getting a raise soon. I should appreciate the company's efforts to make this a good workplace but that doesn't stop me from job hunting.

I commend my new employers (the company was bought about a year ago). They have provided new computers, phone system, working environment and mo' money. However, growth in the job is stagnant. I'm writing the same types of things I wrote 5 years growth potential. Instead of a malignant cancerous tumor that at least grows, my job resembles the benighn variety...a living lump of flesh that just takes up space without purpose. At least I have some fun co-workers.

Today, someone asked if black people could sunburn. You funny white folk.

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