Saturday, April 14, 2007

“That Kid...”

I've learned a few life lessons this week...either learned them or got a refresher course. Maybe I shouldn't call them life lessons...maybe they are just moments to remember and ponder about people and the world.

The week started typically with work on Monday...nothing special. Life's curve balls usually come at you when you aren't looking. Off the top of my head I would have to say the curve came Thursday in an employee meeting in the form of new rules to govern the staff. I knew they were coming so I was not surprised. What amazed me was the dichotomy in reactions...youthful naivety to mature rebellion. I am more on the mature side of the issue, however, the mature people already knew there is no fighting this dictate. It is to be managed, like any other new unpopular rule brought down upon us by the 'benevolent dictator,' a name embraced by the person in question and NOT given by me.

The youthful naivety ranged from, “these rules aren't so bad – it's better than the last place i worked,” to “now people who aren't working will have to work.” Maybe I am getting old but both attitudes show a level of youthful ignorance that amused me. The attitude that this is better than the last place I worked is short-sighted. If you worked in a cesspool, then almost anything is better. The rules making someone do their job, that's just ignorant. Nothing can make a person work, only themselves. As i predicted and warned, the people that were supposed to jump up and be there for the new set hours did not follow them. All the workers who do their work follow the new rules. Oh the folly of youth.

Now to the neurosis part. Complaining about the rules to a co-worker yielded a bizarre response that led me to realize “that kid” can sometimes grow into “that adult.” So who is “that kid?” You know...the kid who had no friends, was neurotic and when you tried to be friends with this person they had a panic attack and YOU ended up in trouble for “bothering that kid.”

I shared my frustrations with the new rules with a co-worker and somehow my opinions and complaining became an least to this person. How this person heard me calling names and making accusations in a few gripes about the boss, i have no idea...then i realized...OH, this person is “that kid,” now “that adult.”

I have to wonder what makes “that kid” and further wonder how “that adult” won't fix whatever it is that makes them so neurotic. They have to know it's not a desirable quality.

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