Monday, November 03, 2008


For whatever reason I have forgone my better judgment and began reading some comments from people (white people) who are not in favor of Barack Obama as president. While it's easy to label them all racist and move on, I was just curious as to the arguments given to NOT support Obama.

I'm a Democrat, that's not a secret, but when I criticize a Republican candidate, there is usually substance to my criticism. I don't like McCain because I disagree with his policy to reward the rich with tax cuts on the backs of the poor and middle-class. I also have a problem with his reference to Korean people as 'gooks'. Don't take my word, read it yourself here. I know he is talking about the Koreans who tortured him but that is no excuse...besides, we all know if a person instantly resorts to a racial slur in anger, there MUST be racism in that person's heart.

I think these are valid, solid reasons to NOT support McCain...your mileage may vary.

Back to my readings...someone said Obama probably couldn't pass a U.S. Citizenship test, nor could he be cleared to work for the FBI or Secret Service. These 'reasons' to NOT vote for Obama are simply bogus. These 'reasons' imply that Obama is too dumb to pass that test and he must be a criminal because he can't get a security clearance. But let's take a closer look at both comments.

The U.S. Citizenship test is -VERY- difficult. I've heard this from people planning to take the test. An example question is, "Who said, 'Give me Liberty or give me death'." I know the answer to this question because I had to do a paper on this guy in 3rd grade. Most people don't remember American history assignments from 3rd grade. That was Patrick Henry, by the way.

Other questions are, "When was the Constitution written?", "Can it be changed?", "What are the qualifications to become president?"

Obama has a J.D. from Harvard. This fact does not mean he could easily pass this test but it does mean the man is intelligent.

On to the security clearance's an unfair criticism. The person was not saying Obama couldn't get security clearance, she said he could not be 'cleared to WORK for either organization.' There is a huge difference. To work in law enforcement requires much more than not being a criminal. A person needs the personality for such work. Many people could not be cleared to work for the FBI or the Secret Service. That's why such jobs are so prestigious. Many can't work for the IRS, where I work, because of mistakes made as a youth. The background check for this work is -extensive-.

However, not passing a background check for a job does not automatically make a person a criminal or untrustworthy. The checks go back -several- years, usually to a time when you felt whatever you were doing wasn't 'a big deal'. Or, sometimes the person is NOT the real issue, but he/she associated with another who is a security threat. Still, knowing a person who makes bad choices isn't illegal.

This is why I say these reasons are nit-pickings. If you don't like Obama, at least give a valid reason. Say you don't like his tax plan or you agree he is 'untested'. These bogus reasons do show a type of racism, IMHO.

Throughout history, black people in American have had to be better in every way to get ahead. Blacks have had to convince whites that they can do the job better than the white person trying for the same position. Many times, the whites who still don't like that black person will resort to nit-picking and fixating on some trivial crap to justify their racist decision. If you don't think a black man can run the country, just say that. Don't resort to nit-picking over trivial details that have no bearing on the person's ability to do the job.

BTW, passing the citizenship test or being able to work for the FBI or Secret Service are NOT required to be president. Technically, ALL candidates for president and VP meet qualifications for president...which is scary when you look at Sarah Palin!

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