Saturday, November 08, 2008

Obama wins...and Palin is 'hit by a bus'

OK...anyone who has read my blog knows I have been an Obama fan from pretty far back. Still, I am amazed, stunned and very proud that he won. It's an awesome victory and brought me to tears. I have -never- felt that much emotion over a presidential election...not even for Clinton!

Honestly, I would have loved for Hillary to be where Obama is now. I really wanted her to be president. I know many hate her but I like the woman. Hey, there's no accounting for taste. LOL!

As for John McCain...I think the campaign drove him a bit nutty. He did things during the campaign that I don't think he would have done otherwise. He is an honorable man, for the most part...I disagree with his calling Koreans 'gooks'. His speech was sincere and should be a unifying force for the months to come.'s been recently said that she didn't know Africa is a continent, she thought it was a country. True or not her other fumbles were enough to convince me that she had no business in the White House as anything other than a tourist. However, the way the McCain camp has thrown their once 'Golden Girl' under the bus is disgusting. McCain has been honorable in defeat but the rest of his camp are all blaming Palin. She's not perfect and I don't like her at all but SHE is not fully at fault for the loss.

This was an exciting election cycle but I'm glad it's done. Now, if I were tapped to advise President Obama, I'd tell him to choose a path for economic recovery that will fulfill his promises and keep our nation strong, end this un-ending war, carry your head high even (or especially) when you make mistakes. DO NOT get yourself a 'Monica.' Also...pick an American Pit-Bull Terrier for the White House puppy. Why? Because like black men in this country, they have had TONS of bad press that is undeserved.

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