Thursday, July 23, 2009

Obama's health plan

I missed President Obama's speech on his health care reform plan. I am very happy that we now have a president who understands new media and I am listening to that same speech right now over the Internet. From what I am hearing, I am very disappointed with the news report I about his speech this morning on KMBC 9 News.

Michael Mahoney, the KMBC 9 reporter, was tasked with "fact checking" the speech. I think he slanted his facts towards the negative. The report presented three quotes from Obama. Mahoney evaluated each quote and determined one to be wrong, another is "sort of" correct and the final is correct...with some twists to make you question the correct statement.

This report is very slanted. Mahoney begins the report with the wrong fact. The Obama quote was that the health plan will not add to the deficit. Mahoney quotes the Congressional Budget Office, which said the deficit will rise about $230 billion from 2010 to 2019.

Mahoney ignores other quotes from the President, including the fact that health care has increased steadily for years. Premiums are paid but sometimes insurance may refuse to cover claims. Mahoney ignores the fact that this health plan will insure you even if you get so sick that your insurance company drops you. Also, no insurance company can deny coverage because of a pre-existing health problem. That one is significant for me personally.

Obama points out that he will strive to pay for health reform by reallocating funds that are wasted on insurance company subsidies...about $100 billion. Mahoney makes no mention of this comment and probably did not check that comment.

Another point in the news report said Obama's claim that the government will stay out of health insurance decisions. Mahoney said that is sort of true. In some cases people may have to change insurance. I would figure since this is a country of millions, there are bound to be instances where people will need to change insurance whether or not this plan is approved.

The one truthful fact, according to Mahoney, is that health insurance will not be taxed. Obama clearly said he opposed this. However, Mahoney tagged onto this fact that taxing health insurance was in the plan, it has been removed, but it may return. The comment that it may return puts a negative spin on what is supposed to be a positive point. Overall, I think this report is slanted towards the negative.

I do not know if Mahoney has a political preference but I do know that the reporter needs to work on his impartial reporting. Every fact he checked is either negative or slanted towards the negative. He made no mention that premiums have doubled over the last 10 years, about three times as fast as wages. Employers are putting more costs on employees or dropping insurance all together. Americans spend about $6,000 more than other countries and people in the other countries are more healthy. Mahoney made no mention of these points.

Obama said this plan is not for him. He and Congress have great health care. This is a plan for those who are struggling with health care. The money that can fund this plan is being wasted. The real issue comes down to, how much do we trust Congress and our President to follow through on this plan? I trust President Obama. I need good health care for myself and my son...we both have pre-existing conditions that can lead to serious health issues, even death.

Bush did nothing to help with our improved health. I am logging my support for the President and I hope others will also. This needs to pass.

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