Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Running off with the circus...

Ok...taking a break from politics today to just talk about how much fun I had at Ringling Bros. circus performance of "Bellobration!" Before I go on, I will acknowledge that many are afraid of clowns. Many think they are stupid. Many think they aren't funny. Many think clowns are just annoying performers who are there to distract you while the work staff changes the circus sets. Well, some and all of that is true...but...I'm revising my dislike of clowns after seeing this performance.

I have to admit, I've never had a dislike of clowns. I never really thought they were funny either but I was never afraid of them, nor did I hate them. They were just people to help the time pass during the show until something I liked took center ring. My attitude about them began to change when I worked at Kemper Arena as an usher and the circus came to town.

Unlike many people, I have a long family tradition of attending the circus. We went when I was a kid to several shows while they were in town. This is because we were so poor that Ringling Bros. gave us free tickets to multiple shows. The tickets were available at the community center or through school. We got free shows -every- year and that developed my love of the sights, sounds, silliness and all that the circus brings. It was also a few hours to forget that we needed food stamps and welfare to live, that we lived in public housing and some of our family friends were heroine addicts.

Last year I began the family circus tradition with my son. He LOVED it! This year, we attended two shows, once with his grandmother and the second show with just me.

Bellobration is a show devoted to 'Bello' the acrobatic clown. He is AWESOME and that's his real name...Bello Nock. The photo of him makes him look a bit weird but in fact, well, he is a bit weird but also a comic daredevil. He participates in almost every aspect of the circus from tightrope walking, the wheel of death, and his signature 90-foot tall sway pole act. He is a fantastic athlete and a superior entertainer...and he's funny while doing it. Every move he makes seems effortless and he's smiling and laughing while doing it...amazing. And yes, that is his real hair too.

So while the political situation in this country is a mess and the economic state of America is even worse, it was good for me to take a few hours and forget all that. It was fantastic that this weird redhead with the super strong legs and never-ending smile could brighten my day so much that I was cheered up all week. My son is still asking about the circus and I have to tell him the circus went 'bye-bye...but they will come back soon!' I hope he never outgrows loving the excitement and fun of the circus, just like I never did. It would be awesome to run off and tour with least one year. Maybe one day....

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