Monday, September 08, 2008

The tax question

I've been seeing ads on TV all the time saying that Sen. Barack Obama isn't ready to lead our nation. That he wants to raise taxes and there will be a 'trickle down effect' that will hurt the average American. My first reaction to that criticism is, didn't anyone pay attention to that 'trickle down' theory crap when Ronald Reagan said we would all benefit from giving rich people more money?

Now, John McCain charges that Obama will raise all of our taxes. Unfortunately, people see the commercial and believe it without researching themselves. But before people swallow the 'hook' on the tax message, EVERY one should learn more.

I am a Democrat and of course I have a dog in this fight so me just saying Obama's plan is better for the middle class won't work. That is why I did some reading myself. According to Associated Press Economics Reporter Martin Crutsinger, if you make less than $250,000 a year, your taxes will be reduced more by Obama. If you make more than $600,000 a year, McCain will reduce your taxes more.

A direct quote from the article states "For the 20 percent of taxpayers right in the middle of the income scale, making roughly between $37,600 and $66,400, the tax break would be $1,118 under the Obama plan and $325 under the McCain plan in 2009, according to the analysis done by the tax center, a joint venture of the Urban Institute and the Brookings Institution, two Washington think tanks."

The sad thing is people will NOT read such articles, believe the lies in the commercials and we will have McCain as president if this information is not promoted. I encourage any and everyone to read this news article "Obama and McCain have big economic differences." Get the facts before you vote!

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