Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Soccer moms

Soccer moms annoy me!

Recent polls show that John McCain has gained about 20 points and most of that comes from white women. When you think about it and read between the lines, most of that is coming from middle-class white women who probably self-describe as 'soccer moms'. We also know what they are doing...being the little Stepford wives that they are and following the leader, Sarah Palin.

Yes, this is turning into a rant because although this demographic annoys me deeply, I also respect it's power. I've been screwed by these bouncy bottle blonds before and realize while I have tons of disdain for them, they are also a force to be reckoned with.

Years ago when Prop. 209 in California was on the ballot, soccer mom types made sure it passed. This proposition dismantled Affirmative Action in that state. The irony is, white middle class women benefited more from Affirmative Action than any other minority group. I have little to no respect for people who use a tool to help themselves then destroy it for those coming after them.

Now this demographic is moving to vote for another Bush presidency just because there is a white woman like themselves on the ticket. Have they not noticed that the McCain camp is basically parroting what Obama's people are putting out? First McCain was against pulling troops out of Iraq, now he's for it. Obama said he would lower taxes, now McCain will lower taxes too.

Ultimately, what Obama says doesn't matter to this group. The real problem is these women want to attach themselves to a white man and be his apendage. Palin represents them quite well. I don't charge -all- white women with this...many have these traits but it is specifically a part of middle class white women.

These soccer moms have no clue about the hardships of a single parent -- man or woman -- nor do they care. If their husbands died or left them for a younger model, they immediately go on a campaign to find a new husband. They can't live without a man in their lives or else it represents some level of failure. These types just disgust me because they are voting without using the brains they have. They are a Stepford wife blob moving in unison without purpose or common sense.

BTW, yes, I realize that is Pamela Anderson...this is the image I believe soccer moms all wish they had.

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