Thursday, November 20, 2008

Autism, me, the kid and the ex

With Obama winning the White House one may think my life is sailing along quite least for a short time. Well, it was for a short time but then reality has a way of crashing through again.

One developmental exam later and my son has been diagnosed with the most popular explanation for developmental delays -- Autism. It's true he twirls string, repeats phrases, has limited speech and probably a few other symptoms but a person still must wonder about such a diagnosis. It IS the most popular explanation and now I hear it can not be accurately diagnosed until about the age of 7. My son is 4. A woman at an Autism meeting I attended has a 2 year old with the diagnosis. I immediately thought...TWO!!! How can they know at the age of TWO!?

So, taking their word on it, I now qualify for various services to help my son 'make it' in the world. It's a complicated and stressful road to travel the bureaucracy of the special needs child. The one thing I have learned right off is, apply first, see if you qualify later. If you qualify, TAKE IT! Most programs have a 'use it or lose it' attitude. In the midst of all this, there are still other things to care for instance.

Since several things have happened between me and the ex that I have not and will not share on here, he is not really around to take our son. By default, I have precious little free, adult time. The good thing about all these Autism resources is they do offer respite care for children with special needs. I can't imagine anyone putting their child with special needs with any old teenager.

The ex, well, what can one say. He's more worried about trivial matters than what his son needs. There are moments of clarity but mostly, he is focused somewhere else.

So, now I have a lovely 'Autism Awareness' car magnet that shall be slapped to my day. It's amazing what others have experienced and what I have seen already. Life can throw you a turn and a twist sometimes. It would be nicer, easier if I had a partner to navigate this world but I will continue to do my best. It's all a person can do.

1 comment:

The Middle Ear said...

I found some starting points to coping with an autism diagnosis here: